We give competence a face
Find out more about your contacts at our locations – and how we can best help you
Find out more about your contacts at our locations – and how we can best help you
A team is particularly effective when all members can contribute their own particular strengths. The KMP Group relies on a large number of highly qualified experts who place their individual expertise entirely at the service of our clients.
This exceptional diversity allows us to look at even highly specific and unique problems from different angles in order to develop the best solution for our clients jointly in dialogue.
Due to the high degree of individual specialisation, we are not only able to provide excellent counselling on all domestic tax and business issues, but also offer advice and support on tax issues in other European countries, in particular Scandinavia and Poland, through our International Groups. It makes no difference to our clients at which location they are advised: in the background, they always benefit from the comprehensive know-how of the entire KMP Group.
Do you have special concerns or would like to find out which experts are available at our various locations? Take the time and get to know us. We look forward to your enquiries.
Tax consultant
Email: c.niemann@kmp-gruppe.de
Phone: +49 541 331 51-17
Tax consultant
Email: c.averdiek-bolwin@kmp-gruppe.de
Phone: +49 541 331 51-18
Tax consultant
Email: m.joswig@kmp-gruppe.de
Phone: +49 5401 86 11-79
Tax consultant
Email: j.nierwettberg@kmp-gruppe.de
Phone: +49 541 331 51-52
Tax consultant
Specialist consultant for international tax law
Email: a.scholz@kmp-gruppe.de
Phone: +49 541 331 51-32
Tax consultant
Email: j.esmann@kmp-gruppe.de
Phone: +49 541 331 51-936
Tax consultant
Managing Director of KMP Legal Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
Email: a.brune@kmp-gruppe.de
Phone: +49 170 706 42-29
Attorney at law
Managing Director of KMP Legal Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
Email: m-a.kubela@kmp-gruppe.de
Phone: +49 541 331 51-0
Lawyer Of Counsel
Former judge at the Federal Fiscal Court
Email: a.leonard@kmp-gruppe.de
Phone: +49 176 460 388 11
Tax consultant (DE)
Doradca podatkowy nr.12915
Managing Director International Tax and Services GmbH
Email: p.suliga@kmp-gruppe.de
Phone: +49 5401 86 11-20
Attorney at Law
Email: i.wiesehahn@kmp-gruppe.de
Phone: +49 541 331 51-916
Managing Director of KMP Legal Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
Email: T.Rudolf@kmp-gruppe.de
Phone: +49 541 3 31 51-910
Specialist consultant for international tax law
Email: m.schmatloch@kmp-gruppe.de
Phone: +49 5401 86 11-91
Managing Director of KMP Legal Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
Email: notar@kmp-gruppe.de
Phone: +49 541 331 51-950
Tax consultant
Email: t.nickenig@kmp-gruppe.de
Phone: +49 30 277 77-17
Tax consultant
Managing Director Bramsche
Email: j.hachmann@kmp-gruppe.de
Phone: +49 5461 709 01-0
Tax consultant
Managing Director Lingen
Email: c.voss@kmp-gruppe.de
Phone: +49 591 91 10 10-0
Tax consultant
Managing Director Lingen
Email: n.kahle@kmp-gruppe.de
Phone: +49 591 91 10 10-0
Tax consultant
Specialist consultant for international tax law
Email: s.linnstaedt@kmp-gruppe.de
Phone: +49 5401 86 11-91
Tax consultant
Specialist consultant intern. tax law
Email: h.suiver@kmp-gruppe.de
Phone: +49 591 91 10 10-0
Diplom Financial Economist (FH)
Tax consultant
Email: l.brinkmann@kmp-gruppe.de
Phone: +49 5401 86 11-73
Tax consultant
Business graduate
Email: v.markus@kmp-gruppe.de
Phone: +49 541 331 51-938